Source code for

import logging
from io import BufferedIOBase, BytesIO, StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile
from zipimport import ZipImportError

import pandas as pd
import requests

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load_cnv(cnv_file: Union[str, Path]) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Load Sea-Bird converted (.cnv) cast file into DataFrame """ with open(cnv_file) as f: file = f.readlines() # parse column names info = dict() cols = [] for idx, line in enumerate(file): # get variable info if line.strip("# \n").startswith(("nquan", "nvalues", "units", "bad_flag")): k, v = line.strip("# \n").split("=") info[k.strip()] = v.strip() # get column names elif line.strip("# ").startswith("name"): # expected format is: # name 0 = col_name: long_description cols.append(line.split(":")[0].split("=")[-1].strip()) # last row before data begins elif line.startswith("*END*"): data_index = idx + 1 break # anything else is a comment line else: continue # pragma: no cover # read data return pd.read_csv( cnv_file, skiprows=range(0, data_index), delim_whitespace=True, names=cols, engine="python", skipinitialspace=True, na_values=info["bad_flag"], )
[docs]def load_exchange_btl(btl_file: Union[str, Path]) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Load WHP-exchange bottle file (_hy1.csv) into DataFrame. File can be on local file system or downloaded from an appropriate link (e.g., Adapted from cchdo.hydro package. Parameters ---------- btl_file : str or Path Name or URL of file to be loaded Returns ------- df : DataFrame Loaded bottle file """ # read from url if isinstance(btl_file, (str, Path)) and str(btl_file).startswith("http"):"Loading bottle file {Path(btl_file).name} from http link") file = requests.get(btl_file).text.splitlines(keepends=True) # read from file elif isinstance(btl_file, (str, Path)):"Loading bottle file {Path(btl_file).name} from local file") with open(btl_file) as f: file = f.readlines() # find index of units row for idx, line in enumerate(file): # skip comment lines (which may reference EXPOCODE and break membership test) if line.strip().startswith("#"): continue # find index of units row if "EXPOCODE" in line: units = idx + 1 # units row immediately follows column names break return pd.read_csv( StringIO("".join(file)), skiprows=[0, units], skipfooter=1, engine="python", comment="#", skipinitialspace=True, )
[docs]def load_exchange_ctd( ctd_file: Union[str, Path, BufferedIOBase], n_files=None, recursed=False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Load WHP-exchange CTD file(s) (_ct1.csv) into DataFrame. File(s) can be on local file system or downloaded from an appropriate link (e.g., Adapted from cchdo.hydro package. Parameters ---------- ctd_file : str or Path Name or URL of file to be loaded n_files : int, optional Number of files to load from .zip archive Returns ------- header : dict or list of dict File metadata from header(s) (e.g., EXPOCODE, STNNBR, CASTNO) df : DataFrame or list of DataFrame Loaded CTD file(s) """ # read from url (.zip) if isinstance(ctd_file, (str, Path)) and str(ctd_file).startswith("http"):"Loading CTD file {Path(ctd_file).name} from http link") data_raw = BytesIO(requests.get(ctd_file).content) # read from file elif isinstance(ctd_file, (str, Path)):"Loading CTD file {Path(ctd_file).name} from local file") with open(ctd_file, "rb") as f: data_raw = BytesIO( # read from open file elif isinstance(ctd_file, BufferedIOBase):"Loading open file object") data_raw = BytesIO( # .zip special behavior if is_zipfile(data_raw):"Loading CTD files from .zip") if recursed is True: raise ZipImportError("Recursive .zip files encountered... exiting") # is_zipfile moves cursor to EOF, reset to start zip_contents = [] with ZipFile(data_raw) as zf: for zipinfo in zf.infolist(): zip_contents.append(BytesIO( # list comprehension is same as using functools.partial, just different syntax return zip( *[load_exchange_ctd(zc, recursed=True) for zc in zip_contents[:n_files]] ) else: # is_zipfile moves cursor to EOF, reset to start file ="utf8").splitlines(keepends=True) # process metadata for idx, line in enumerate(file): # skip comment lines (which may reference CTDPRS and break membership test) if line.strip().startswith("#"): continue # find header info if line.startswith("NUMBER_HEADERS"): header_ind = idx # find index of units row if "CTDPRS" in line: columns = idx units = idx + 1 # units row immediately follows column names break # break down header rows header = {} for line in file[header_ind:columns]: k, v = line.strip("\n").split("=") header[k.strip()] = v.strip() return header, pd.read_csv( StringIO("".join(file)), skiprows=list(range(0, columns)) + [units], # skip up to column names (+ units) skipfooter=1, engine="python", comment="#", skipinitialspace=True, )
[docs]def write_pressure_details( ssscc: str, log_file: Union[str, Path], p_start: float, p_end: float ) -> None: """ Write start/end deck pressure to ondeck_pressure.csv log file. Parameters ---------- ssscc : str Station/cast in SSSCC format log_file : str or Path File destination for pressure details p_start : float Average starting on-deck pressure (pre-deployment) p_end : float Average ending on-deck pressure (post-deployment) Returns ------- None """ df = pd.DataFrame( {"SSSCC": ssscc, "ondeck_start_p": p_start, "ondeck_end_p": p_end}, index=[0] ) add_header = not Path(log_file).exists() # add header iff file doesn't exist with open(log_file, "a") as f: df.to_csv(f, mode="a", header=add_header, index=False)
[docs]def write_cast_details( ssscc: str, log_file: Union[str, Path], time_start: float, time_end: float, time_bottom: float, p_start: float, p_max: float, b_alt: float, b_lat: float, b_lon: float, ) -> None: """ Write cast details to cast_details.csv log file. Parameters ---------- ssscc : str Station/cast in SSSCC format log_file : str or Path File destination for cast details time_start : float Time at start of cast (from minimum pressure after 10m soak) time_end : float Time at end of cast (when instrument leaves water) time_bottom : float Time at bottom of cast (max depth) p_start : float Pressure at the time the cast begins p_max : float Pressure at bottom of cast b_alt : float Altimeter value at bottom of cast b_lat : float Latitude at bottom of cast b_lon : float Longitude at bottom of cast Returns ------- None """ df = pd.DataFrame( { "SSSCC": ssscc, "start_time": time_start, "bottom_time": time_bottom, "end_time": time_end, "start_pressure": p_start, "max_pressure": p_max, "altimeter_bottom": b_alt, "latitude": b_lat, "longitude": b_lon, }, index=[0], ) add_header = not Path(log_file).exists() # add header iff file doesn't exist with open(log_file, "a") as f: df.to_csv(f, mode="a", header=add_header, index=False)