Source code for ctdcal.flagging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def _merge_flags(new_flags, old_flags, keep_higher=True):
    Merge old and new flags into one flag vector.

    Returns new_flags if old_flags is None.

    new_flags : array-like
        Newly calculated flags
    old_flags : int, optional
        User-supplied original data flags
    keep_higher : bool, optional
        Whether to keep higher (default) or lower value flags

    merged_flags : array-like
        Merged old and new flags

    if old_flags is None:
        return new_flags

    new_flags = np.squeeze(new_flags)
    old_flags = np.squeeze(old_flags)
    merged_flags = np.copy(new_flags)

    if keep_higher:
        is_higher = old_flags > new_flags
        merged_flags[is_higher] = old_flags[is_higher]
        # can't really think of a use case for this... maybe delete?
        is_lower = old_flags < new_flags
        merged_flags[is_lower] = old_flags[is_lower]

    return merged_flags

[docs]def nan_values(data, old_flags=None, flag_good=2, flag_nan=9): """ Flag values as either good or nan. Parameters ---------- data : array-like Variable to be flagged old_flags : array-like, optional Original data flags to be merged in (if provided) flag_good : int, optional Flag value for good data flag_nan : int, optional Flag value for bad (nan) data Returns ------- flags : array-like Flag for each data point in input """ data = np.squeeze(data) flags = np.full(np.shape(data), flag_good) flags[np.isnan(data)] = flag_nan return _merge_flags(flags, old_flags)
[docs]def outliers( data, old_flags=None, flag_good=2, flag_outlier=4, n_sigma1=2, n_sigma2=20, ignore_nan=True, ): """ Flag extreme outliers using standard deviations from the mean as a threshold. Outliers are identified over two passes. For the first pass, mean and standard deviation of data are calculated for all data. Values more than n_sigma1 standard deviations from mean are (temporarily) flagged questionable. For the second pass, mean and standard deviation are re-calculated with questionable data excluded. Data more than n_sigma2 standard deviations from mean are flagged as outliers. Parameters ---------- data : array-like Variable to be flagged old_flags : array-like, optional Original data flags to be merged in (if provided) flag_good : int, optional Flag value for good data flag_outlier : int, optional Flag value for outliers n_sigma1 : int, optional Number of standard deviations away from mean needed to be excluded from statistics n_sigma2 : int, optional Number of standard deviations away from mean needed to be outlier ignore_nan : bool, optional Ignore nan values in data Returns ------- flags : array-like Flag for each data point in input Notes ----- Functionality is similar to Sea-Bird's "Wild Edit" in Seasoft V2. """ data = np.squeeze(data) # np.squeeze converts DataFrame->Series but does nothing to Series if type(data) is pd.Series: data = data.to_numpy() # force to np.array flags = np.full(np.shape(data), flag_good).squeeze() # function aliases # TODO: is ignore_nan needed? not very useful atm if ignore_nan: mean, std = np.nanmean, np.nanstd else: mean, std = np.mean, np.std # pass 1 questionable = np.abs(data - mean(data)) > (n_sigma1 * std(data)) # pass 2 data_mean = mean(data[~questionable]) data_std = std(data[~questionable]) outliers = np.abs(data - data_mean) > (n_sigma2 * data_std) flags[outliers] = flag_outlier return _merge_flags(flags, old_flags)
[docs]def by_percent_diff( data, ref_data, old_flags=None, percent_thresh=1, flag_good=2, flag_bad=3 ): """ Flag residuals based on the percent error relative to the reference data. Parameters ---------- data : array-like Variable to be flagged ref_data : array-like Reference data to compare against old_flags : array-like, optional Original data flags to be merged in (if provided) percent_thresh : int, optional Percent different cutoff to be flagged as bad data flag_good : int, optional Flag value for good data flag_bad : int, optional Flag value for bad data Returns ------- flags : array-like Flag for each data point in input """ data = np.squeeze(data) ref_data = np.squeeze(ref_data) percent_diff = (np.abs(data - ref_data) / data).squeeze() * 100 flags = np.full(np.shape(percent_diff), flag_good).squeeze() flags[percent_diff > percent_thresh] = flag_bad return _merge_flags(flags, old_flags)
[docs]def by_residual( data, ref_data, pressure, old_flags=None, flag_good=2, flag_bad=3, threshold=[0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02], p_cutoff=[2000, 1000, 500], ): """ Flag residuals using specific thresholds for each pressure range. Parameters ---------- data : array-like Variable to be flagged ref_data : array-like Reference data to compare against flag_good : int, optional Flag value for good data flag_bad : int, optional Flag value for data outside threshold threshold : list of float, optional Threshold between good and bad values p_cutoff : list of int, optional Edges of pressure bins Returns ------- flags : array-like Flag for each data point in input """ if (len(threshold) - len(p_cutoff)) != 1: raise IndexError("threshold must be one value longer than p_cutoff") if any(np.diff(p_cutoff) >= 0): raise ValueError("p_cutoff must be monotonically decreasing") residual = np.abs(data - ref_data).squeeze() flags = np.full(np.shape(residual), flag_good).squeeze() # first and last pressure bin need special handling is_deep = pressure > p_cutoff[0] is_shallow = pressure < p_cutoff[-1] flags[is_deep & (residual > threshold[0])] = flag_bad flags[is_shallow & (residual > threshold[-1])] = flag_bad p_bins = zip(p_cutoff, p_cutoff[1:]) # make pairs (e.g. (2000, 1000), (1000, 500)) threshold = threshold[1:-1] # deep and shallow threshold values for (p_upper, p_lower), thresh in zip(p_bins, threshold): in_bin = (pressure <= p_upper) & (pressure > p_lower) flags[in_bin & (residual > thresh)] = flag_bad return _merge_flags(flags, old_flags)