Source code for ctdcal.fit_ctd

#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import gsw
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift

from . import convert as convert
from . import ctd_plots as ctd_plots
from . import flagging as flagging
from . import get_ctdcal_config
from . import process_ctd as process_ctd

cfg = get_ctdcal_config()
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load_fit_yaml(fname=f"{cfg.dirs['logs']}fit_coefs.yaml", to_object=False): """Load polynomail fit order information from .yaml file.""" with open(fname, "r") as f: ymlfile = yaml.safe_load(f) if to_object: return type("ymlfile", (object,), ymlfile) else: return ymlfile
[docs]def write_fit_yaml(): """For future use with automated fitting routine(s). i.e., iterate to find best fit parameters, save to file""" pass
[docs]def cell_therm_mass_corr(temp, cond, sample_int=1 / 24, alpha=0.03, beta=1 / 7): """Correct conductivity signal for effects of cell thermal mass. Parameters ---------- temp : array-like CTD temperature [degC] cond : array-like CTD conductivity [mS/cm] sample_int : float, optional CTD sample interval [seconds] alpha : float, optional Thermal anomaly amplitude beta : float, optional Thermal anomaly time constant Returns ------- cond_corr : array-like Corrected CTD conductivity [mS/cm] Notes ----- See Sea-Bird Seasoft V2 manual (Section 6, page 93) for equation information. Default alpha/beta values taken from Seasoft manual (page 92). c.f. "Thermal Inertia of Conductivity Cells: Theory" (Lueck 1990) for more info<0741:TIOCCT>2.0.CO;2 """ a = 2 * alpha / (sample_int * beta + 2) b = 1 - (2 * a / alpha) dc_dT = 0.1 * (1 + 0.006 * (temp - 20)) dT = np.insert(np.diff(temp), 0, 0) # forward diff reduces len by 1 def calculate_CTM(b, CTM_0, a, dc_dT, dT): """Return CTM in units of [S/m]""" CTM = -1.0 * b * CTM_0 + a * (dc_dT) * dT return CTM CTM = calculate_CTM(b, 0, a, dc_dT, dT) CTM = calculate_CTM(b, shift(CTM, 1, order=0), a, dc_dT, dT) CTM = np.nan_to_num(CTM) * 10.0 # [S/m] to [mS/cm] cond_corr = cond + CTM return cond_corr
def _flag_btl_data( df, param=None, ref=None, thresh=[0.002, 0.005, 0.010, 0.020], f_out=None, ): """ Flag CTD "btl" data against reference measurement (e.g. SBE35, bottle salts). Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame, DataFrame containing btl data param : str Name of parameter to calibrate (e.g. "CTDCOND1", "CTDTMP2") ref : str Name of reference parameter to calibrate against (e.g. "BTLCOND", "T90") thresh : list of float, optional Maximum acceptable residual for each pressure range f_out : str, optional Path and filename to save residual vs. pressure plots Returns ------- df_ques : DataFrame Data flagged as questionable (flag 3s) df_bad : DataFrame Data flagged as bad (flag 4s) """ # TODO: thresh should probably be put in config/cast-by-cast config prs = cfg.column["p"] # Remove extreme outliers and code bad df = df.reset_index(drop=True) df["Diff"] = df[ref] - df[param] df["Flag"] = flagging.outliers(df["Diff"]) # Find values that are above the threshold and code questionable df["Flag"] = flagging.by_residual(df[param], df[ref], df[prs], old_flags=df["Flag"]) df_good = df[df["Flag"] == 2].copy() df_ques = df[df["Flag"] == 3].copy() df_bad = df[df["Flag"] == 4].copy() if f_out is not None: if param == cfg.column["t1"]: xlabel = "T1 Residual (T90 C)" elif param == cfg.column["t2"]: xlabel = "T2 Residual (T90 C)" elif param == cfg.column["c1"]: xlabel = "C1 Residual (mS/cm)" elif param == cfg.column["c2"]: xlabel = "C2 Residual (mS/cm)" f_out = f_out.split(".pdf")[0] + "_postfit.pdf" ctd_plots._intermediate_residual_plot( df["Diff"], df[prs], df["SSSCC"], show_thresh=True, xlabel=xlabel, f_out=f_out, ) f_out = f_out.split(".pdf")[0] + "_flag2.pdf" ctd_plots._intermediate_residual_plot( df_good["Diff"], df_good[prs], df_good["SSSCC"], show_thresh=True, xlabel=xlabel, f_out=f_out, ) return df_ques, df_bad def _prepare_fit_data(df, param, ref_param, zRange=None): """Remove non-finite data, trim to desired zRange, and remove extreme outliers""" good_data = df[np.isfinite(df[ref_param]) & np.isfinite(df[param])].copy() if zRange is not None: zMin, zMax = zRange.split(":") good_data = good_data[ (good_data["CTDPRS"] > int(zMin)) & (good_data["CTDPRS"] < int(zMax)) ] good_data["Diff"] = good_data[ref_param] - good_data[param] good_data["Flag"] = flagging.outliers(good_data["Diff"], n_sigma2=4) df_good = good_data[good_data["Flag"] == 2].copy() df_bad = good_data[good_data["Flag"] == 4].copy() return df_good, df_bad
[docs]def multivariate_fit(y, *args, coef_names=None, const_name="c0"): """ Least-squares fit data using multiple dependent variables. Dependent variables must be provided in tuple pairs of (data, order) as positional arguments. If coef_names are defined, coefficients will be returned as a dict. Otherwise, coefficients are return as an array in the order of the dependent variables, sorted by decreasing powers. Parameters ---------- y : array-like Indepedent variable to be fit args : tuple Pairs of dependent variable data and fit order (i.e., (data, order)) coef_names : list-like, optional Base names for coefficients (i.e., "a" for 2nd order yields ["a2", "a1"]) const_name : str, optional Name for constant offset term Returns ------- coefs : array-like Least-squares fit coefficients in decreasing powers Examples -------- Behavior when coef_names is None: >>> z = [1, 4, 9] >>> x = [1, 3, 5] >>> y = [1, 2, 3] >>> multivariate_fit(z, (x, 2), (y, 1)) array([0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.125]) # [c1, c2, c3, c4] where z = (c1 * x ** 2) + (c2 * x) + (c3 * y) + c4 Behavior when coef_names is given: >>> z = [1, 4, 9] >>> x = [1, 3, 5] >>> y = [1, 2, 3] >>> multivariate_fit(z, (x, 2), (y, 1), coef_names=["a", "b"]) {"a2": 0.25, "a1": 0.375, "b1": 0.25, "c0": 0.125} where z = (a2 * x ** 2) + (a1 * x) + (b1 * y) + c0 """ to_dict = True if coef_names is None: to_dict = False coef_names = [""] * len(args) # needed to prevent zip() error elif len(args) != len(coef_names): raise ValueError( "length of coef_names must match the number of dependent variables" ) # iteratively build fit matrix rows, names = [], [] for arg, coef_root in zip(args, coef_names): if type(arg) is not tuple: raise TypeError(f"Positional args must be tuples, not {type(arg)}") series, order = arg for n in np.arange(1, order + 1)[::-1]: rows.append(series ** n) # n is np.int64 so series will cast to np.ndarray names.append(f"{coef_root}{n}") # add constant offset term rows.append(np.ones(len(y))) names.append(const_name) fit_matrix = np.vstack(rows) coefs = np.linalg.lstsq(fit_matrix.T, y, rcond=None)[0] return dict(zip(names, coefs)) if to_dict else coefs
[docs]def apply_polyfit(y, y_coefs, *args): """ Apply a polynomial correction to series of data. Coefficients should be provided in increasing order (i.e., a0, a1, a2 for y_fit = y + a2 * y ** 2 + a1 * y + a0) For the independent variables (y), coefficients start from the zero-th order (i.e., constant offset). For dependent variables (args), coefficients start from the first order (i.e., linear term). Parameters ---------- y : array-like Independent variable data to be corrected y_coefs : tuple of float Independent variable fit coefficients (i.e., (coef0, ..., coefN)) args : tuple of (array-like, (float, float, ...)) Dependent variable data and fit coefficients (i.e., (data, (coef1, ..., coefN))) Returns ------- fitted_y : array-like Independent variable data with polynomial fit correction applied Examples -------- Behavior without additional args: >>> y = [2, 4, 6] >>> apply_polyfit(y, (1, 2, 3)) # y0 = 1; y1 = 2; y2 = 3 array([ 19., 61., 127.]) where fitted_y = y + y0 + (y1 * y) + (y2 * y ** 2) Behavior with additional args: >>> y = [2, 4, 6] >>> x = [1, 2, 3] >>> apply_polyfit(y, (1,), (x, (2, 3))) # y0 = 1; x1 = 2; x2 = 3 array([ 8., 21., 40.]) where fitted_y = y + y0 + (x1 * x) + (x2 * x ** 2) """ fitted_y = np.copy(y).astype(float) for n, coef in enumerate(y_coefs): fitted_y += coef * np.power(y, n) for arg in args: if type(arg) is not tuple: raise TypeError(f"Positional args must be tuples, not {type(arg)}") series, coefs = arg for n, coef in enumerate(coefs): fitted_y += coef * np.power(series, n + 1) return fitted_y
[docs]def calibrate_temp(btl_df, time_df): # TODO: make this an ODF script in ctdcal/scripts? # TODO: break off parts of this to useful functions for all vars (C/T/O) """ Least-squares fit CTD temperature data against reference data. Parameters ----------- btl_df : DataFrame CTD data at bottle stops time_df : DataFrame Continuous CTD data Returns -------- """"Calibrating temperature") ssscc_subsets = sorted(Path(cfg.dirs["ssscc"]).glob("ssscc_t*.csv")) if not ssscc_subsets: # if no t-segments exists, write one from full list log.debug( "No CTDTMP grouping file found... creating ssscc_t1.csv with all casts" ) if not Path(cfg.dirs["ssscc"]).exists(): Path(cfg.dirs["ssscc"]).mkdir() ssscc_list = process_ctd.get_ssscc_list() ssscc_subsets = [Path(cfg.dirs["ssscc"] + "ssscc_t1.csv")] pd.Series(ssscc_list).to_csv(ssscc_subsets[0], header=None, index=False) fit_yaml = load_fit_yaml() # load fit polynomial order for tN in ["t1", "t2"]: T_flag, T_fit_coefs = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() for f in ssscc_subsets: # 0) load ssscc subset to be fit together ssscc_sublist = ( pd.read_csv(f, header=None, dtype="str").squeeze(axis=1).to_list() ) btl_rows = btl_df["SSSCC"].isin(ssscc_sublist).values good_rows = btl_rows & (btl_df["REFTMP_FLAG_W"] == 2) time_rows = time_df["SSSCC"].isin(ssscc_sublist).values # 1) plot pre-fit residual f_stem = f.stem # get "ssscc_t*" from path ctd_plots._intermediate_residual_plot( btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column["refT"]] - btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column[tN]], btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column["p"]], btl_df.loc[btl_rows, "SSSCC"], xlabel=f"{tN.upper()} Residual (T90 C)", f_out=f"{cfg.fig_dirs[tN]}residual_{f_stem}_prefit.pdf", ) # 2) prepare data for fitting # NOTE: df_bad will be overwritten during post-fit data flagging but is # left here for future debugging (if necessary) df_good, df_bad = _prepare_fit_data( btl_df[good_rows], cfg.column[tN], cfg.column["refT"], zRange=fit_yaml[tN][f_stem]["zRange"], ) ctd_plots._intermediate_residual_plot( df_good["Diff"], df_good[cfg.column["p"]], df_good["SSSCC"], xlabel=f"{tN.upper()} Residual (T90 C)", f_out=f"{cfg.fig_dirs[tN]}residual_{f_stem}_fit_data.pdf", ) # 3) calculate fit coefs # TODO: truncate coefs (10 digits? look at historical data) P_order = fit_yaml[tN][f_stem]["P_order"] T_order = fit_yaml[tN][f_stem]["T_order"] coef_dict = multivariate_fit( df_good["Diff"], (df_good[cfg.column["p"]], P_order), (df_good[cfg.column[tN]], T_order), coef_names=["cp", "ct"], ) # 4) apply fit P_coefs = tuple(coef_dict[f"cp{n}"] for n in np.arange(1, P_order + 1)) T_coefs = tuple(coef_dict[f"ct{n}"] for n in np.arange(1, T_order + 1)) btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column[tN]] = apply_polyfit( btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column[tN]], (coef_dict["c0"],) + T_coefs, (btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column["p"]], P_coefs), ) time_df.loc[time_rows, cfg.column[tN]] = apply_polyfit( time_df.loc[time_rows, cfg.column[tN]], (coef_dict["c0"],) + T_coefs, (time_df.loc[time_rows, cfg.column["p"]], P_coefs), ) # 4.5) flag CTDTMP and make residual plots df_ques, df_bad = _flag_btl_data( btl_df[btl_rows], param=cfg.column[tN], ref=cfg.column["refT"], f_out=f"{cfg.fig_dirs[tN]}residual_{f_stem}.pdf", ) # 5) handle quality flags T_flag = pd.concat([T_flag, df_bad, df_ques]) # 6) handle fit params coef_df = pd.DataFrame() coef_df["SSSCC"] = ssscc_sublist coef_names = ["cp2", "cp1", "ct2", "ct1", "c0"] coef_df[coef_names] = 0.0 for k, v in coef_dict.items(): coef_df[k] = v T_fit_coefs = pd.concat([T_fit_coefs, coef_df]) # one more fig with all cuts ctd_plots._intermediate_residual_plot( btl_df[cfg.column["refT"]] - btl_df[cfg.column[tN]], btl_df[cfg.column["p"]], btl_df["SSSCC"], xlabel=f"{tN.upper()} Residual (T90 C)", show_thresh=True, f_out=f"{cfg.fig_dirs[tN]}residual_all_postfit.pdf", ) # export temp quality flags # TODO: make these flags useful/less cluttered T_flag.sort_index().to_csv(f"{cfg.dirs['logs']}qual_flag_{tN}.csv", index=False) # export temp fit params (formated to 5 sig figs, scientific notation) T_fit_coefs[coef_names] = T_fit_coefs[coef_names].applymap( lambda x: np.format_float_scientific(x, precision=4, exp_digits=1) ) T_fit_coefs.to_csv(cfg.dirs["logs"] + f"fit_coef_{tN}.csv", index=False) # flag temperature data # TODO: CTDTMP_FLAG_W historically not included in hy1 file... should it be? time_df["CTDTMP_FLAG_W"] = 2 # TODO: flag w/ REFT somehow? discrete vs continuous return True
[docs]def calibrate_cond(btl_df, time_df): # TODO: make this an ODF script in ctdcal/scripts? # TODO: break off parts of this to useful functions for all vars (C/T/O) # TODO: salt subset lists aren't loading in increasing order: # (still functions properly but the fit_coef_c#.csv is confusing as a result) """ Least-squares fit CTD conductivity data against bottle salts. Parameters ----------- btl_df : DataFrame CTD data at bottle stops time_df : DataFrame Continuous CTD data Returns -------- """"Calibrating conductivity") # calculate BTLCOND values from autosal data btl_df[cfg.column["refC"]] = convert.CR_to_cond( btl_df["CRavg"], btl_df["BathTEMP"], btl_df[cfg.column["t1"]], btl_df[cfg.column["p"]], ) # merge in handcoded salt flags # TODO: make salt flagger move .csv somewhere else? or just always have it # somewhere else and read it from that location (e.g. in data/scratch_folder/salts) salt_file = "tools/salt_flags_handcoded.csv" # abstract to if Path(salt_file).exists(): handcoded_salts = pd.read_csv( salt_file, dtype={"SSSCC": str, "salinity_flag": int} ) handcoded_salts = handcoded_salts.rename( columns={"SAMPNO": "btl_fire_num", "salinity_flag": "SALNTY_FLAG_W"} ).drop(columns=["diff", "Comments"]) btl_df = btl_df.merge(handcoded_salts, on=["SSSCC", "btl_fire_num"], how="left") # TODO: may be easier to try using flagging._merge_flags()? btl_df["SALNTY_FLAG_W"] = flagging.nan_values( btl_df["SALNTY"], old_flags=btl_df["SALNTY_FLAG_W"] ) else: btl_df["SALNTY_FLAG_W"] = flagging.nan_values(btl_df["SALNTY"]) ssscc_subsets = sorted(Path(cfg.dirs["ssscc"]).glob("ssscc_c*.csv")) if not ssscc_subsets: # if no c-segments exists, write one from full list log.debug( "No CTDCOND grouping file found... creating ssscc_c1.csv with all casts" ) ssscc_list = process_ctd.get_ssscc_list() ssscc_subsets = [Path(cfg.dirs["ssscc"] + "ssscc_c1.csv")] pd.Series(ssscc_list).to_csv(ssscc_subsets[0], header=None, index=False) fit_yaml = load_fit_yaml() # load fit polynomial order for cN, tN in zip(["c1", "c2"], ["t1", "t2"]): C_flag, C_fit_coefs = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() for f in ssscc_subsets: # 0) grab ssscc chunk to fit ssscc_sublist = ( pd.read_csv(f, header=None, dtype="str").squeeze(axis=1).to_list() ) btl_rows = btl_df["SSSCC"].isin(ssscc_sublist).values good_rows = btl_rows & (btl_df["SALNTY_FLAG_W"] == 2) time_rows = time_df["SSSCC"].isin(ssscc_sublist).values # 1) plot pre-fit residual f_stem = f.stem # get "ssscc_c*" from path ctd_plots._intermediate_residual_plot( btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column["refC"]] - btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column[cN]], btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column["p"]], btl_df.loc[btl_rows, "SSSCC"], xlabel=f"{cN.upper()} Residual (mS/cm)", f_out=f"{cfg.fig_dirs[cN]}residual_{f_stem}_prefit.pdf", ) # 2) prepare data for fitting # NOTE: df_bad will be overwritten during post-fit data flagging # but is left here for future debugging (if necessary) df_good, df_bad = _prepare_fit_data( btl_df[good_rows], cfg.column[cN], cfg.column["refC"], zRange=fit_yaml[cN][f_stem]["zRange"], ) ctd_plots._intermediate_residual_plot( df_good["Diff"], df_good[cfg.column["p"]], df_good["SSSCC"], xlabel=f"{cN.upper()} Residual (mS/cm)", f_out=f"{cfg.fig_dirs[cN]}residual_{f_stem}_fit_data.pdf", ) # 3) calculate fit coefs # TODO: truncate coefs (10 digits? look at historical data) P_order = fit_yaml[cN][f_stem]["P_order"] T_order = fit_yaml[cN][f_stem]["T_order"] C_order = fit_yaml[cN][f_stem]["C_order"] coef_dict = multivariate_fit( df_good["Diff"], (df_good[cfg.column["p"]], P_order), (df_good[cfg.column[tN]], T_order), (df_good[cfg.column[cN]], C_order), coef_names=["cp", "ct", "cc"], ) # 4) apply fit P_coefs = tuple(coef_dict[f"cp{n}"] for n in np.arange(1, P_order + 1)) T_coefs = tuple(coef_dict[f"ct{n}"] for n in np.arange(1, T_order + 1)) C_coefs = tuple(coef_dict[f"cc{n}"] for n in np.arange(1, C_order + 1)) btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column[cN]] = apply_polyfit( btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column[cN]], (coef_dict["c0"],) + C_coefs, (btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column["p"]], P_coefs), (btl_df.loc[btl_rows, cfg.column[tN]], T_coefs), ) time_df.loc[time_rows, cfg.column[cN]] = apply_polyfit( time_df.loc[time_rows, cfg.column[cN]], (coef_dict["c0"],) + C_coefs, (time_df.loc[time_rows, cfg.column["p"]], P_coefs), (time_df.loc[time_rows, cfg.column[tN]], T_coefs), ) # 4.5) flag CTDCOND and make residual plots df_ques, df_bad = _flag_btl_data( btl_df[btl_rows], param=cfg.column[cN], ref=cfg.column["refC"], f_out=f"{cfg.fig_dirs[cN]}residual_{f_stem}.pdf", ) # 5) handle quality flags C_flag = pd.concat([C_flag, df_bad, df_ques]) # 6) handle fit params coef_df = pd.DataFrame() coef_df["SSSCC"] = ssscc_sublist coef_names = ["cp2", "cp1", "ct2", "ct1", "cc2", "cc1", "c0"] coef_df[coef_names] = 0.0 for k, v in coef_dict.items(): coef_df[k] = v C_fit_coefs = pd.concat([C_fit_coefs, coef_df]) # one more fig with all cuts ctd_plots._intermediate_residual_plot( btl_df[cfg.column["refC"]] - btl_df[cfg.column[cN]], btl_df[cfg.column["p"]], btl_df["SSSCC"], xlabel=f"{cN.upper()} Residual (mS/cm)", show_thresh=True, f_out=f"{cfg.fig_dirs[cN]}residual_all_postfit.pdf", ) # export cond quality flags # TODO: make these flags useful/less cluttered C_flag.sort_index().to_csv(f"{cfg.dirs['logs']}qual_flag_{cN}.csv", index=False) # export cond fit params C_fit_coefs[coef_names] = C_fit_coefs[coef_names].applymap( lambda x: np.format_float_scientific(x, precision=4, exp_digits=1) ) C_fit_coefs.to_csv(cfg.dirs["logs"] + f"fit_coef_{cN}.csv", index=False) # recalculate salinity with calibrated C/T # TODO: compute CTDSAL1 and *2? how to decide which to use time_df[cfg.column["sal"]] = gsw.SP_from_C( time_df[cfg.column["c1"]], time_df[cfg.column["t1"]], time_df[cfg.column["p"]], ) btl_df[cfg.column["sal"]] = gsw.SP_from_C( btl_df[cfg.column["c1"]], btl_df[cfg.column["t1"]], btl_df[cfg.column["p"]], ) # flag salinity data # TODO: flag time using handcoded salts somehow? discrete vs continuous time_df[cfg.column["sal"] + "_FLAG_W"] = 2 btl_df[cfg.column["sal"] + "_FLAG_W"] = flagging.by_residual( btl_df[cfg.column["sal"]], btl_df["SALNTY"], btl_df[cfg.column["p"]], ) bad_rows = btl_df["SALNTY_FLAG_W"].isin([3, 4]) btl_df.loc[bad_rows, cfg.column["sal"] + "_FLAG_W"] = 2 # bad salts not used for QC btl_df[cfg.column["sal"] + "_FLAG_W"] = flagging.nan_values( btl_df[cfg.column["sal"]], old_flags=btl_df[cfg.column["sal"] + "_FLAG_W"] ) return btl_df, time_df