Source code for ctdcal.equations_sbe

A module for SBE conversion equations and related helper equations.

SBE internally references each sensor with an assigned SensorID for indexing. The
given sensor numbers are determined empirically from .XMLCON files in 2016-2017 and
not via an official document, and may change according to SBE wishes.

import inspect
import logging

import gsw
import numpy as np

from ctdcal.oxy_fitting import oxy_umolkg_to_ml

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _check_coefs(coefs_in, expected):
    """Compare function input coefs with expected"""
    missing_coefs = sorted(set(expected) - set(coefs_in))
    if missing_coefs != []:
        raise KeyError(f"Coefficient dictionary missing keys: {missing_coefs}")

def _check_freq(freq):
    """Convert to np.array, NaN out zeroes, convert to float if needed"""
    freq = np.array(freq)
    sensor = inspect.stack()[1].function  # name of function calling _check_freq

    if freq.dtype != float:  # can sometimes come in as object
        log.warning(f"Attempting to convert {freq.dtype} to float for {sensor}")
        freq = freq.astype(float)

    if 0 in freq:
        N_zeroes = (freq == 0).sum()
            f"Found {N_zeroes} zero frequency readings in {sensor}, replacing with NaN"
        freq[freq == 0] = np.nan

    return freq

def _check_volts(volts, v_min=0, v_max=5):
    """Convert to np.array, NaN out values outside of 0-5V, convert to float if needed"""
    volts = np.array(volts)
    sensor = inspect.stack()[1].function  # name of function calling _check_volts

    if volts.dtype != float:  # can sometimes come in as object
        log.warning(f"Attempting to convert {volts.dtype} to float for {sensor}")
        volts = volts.astype(float)

    if any(volts < v_min) or any(volts > v_max):
            f"{sensor} has values outside of {v_min}-{v_max}V, replacing with NaN"
        volts[volts < v_min] = np.nan
        volts[volts > v_max] = np.nan

    return volts

[docs]def sbe3(freq, coefs, decimals=4): """ SBE equation for converting SBE3 frequency to temperature. SensorID: 55 Parameters ---------- freq : array-like Raw frequency (Hz) coefs : dict Dictionary of calibration coefficients (G, H, I, J, F0) Returns ------- t_ITS90 : array-like Converted temperature (ITS-90) """ _check_coefs(coefs, ["G", "H", "I", "J", "F0"]) freq = _check_freq(freq) t_ITS90 = ( 1 / ( coefs["G"] + coefs["H"] * (np.log(coefs["F0"] / freq)) + coefs["I"] * np.power((np.log(coefs["F0"] / freq)), 2) + coefs["J"] * np.power((np.log(coefs["F0"] / freq)), 3) ) - 273.15 ) return np.around(t_ITS90, decimals)
[docs]def sbe4(freq, t, p, coefs, decimals=4): """ SBE equation for converting SBE4 frequency to conductivity. This conversion is valid for both SBE4C (profiling) and SBE4M (mooring). SensorID: 3 Parameters ---------- freq : array-like Raw frequency (Hz) t : array-like Converted temperature (ITS-90 degrees C) p : array-like Converted pressure (dbar) coefs : dict Dictionary of calibration coefficients (G, H, I, J, CPcor, CTcor) Returns ------- c_mS_cm : array-like Converted conductivity (mS/cm) """ _check_coefs(coefs, ["G", "H", "I", "J", "CPcor", "CTcor"]) freq_kHz = _check_freq(freq) * 1e-3 # equation expects kHz c_S_m = ( coefs["G"] + coefs["H"] * np.power(freq_kHz, 2) + coefs["I"] * np.power(freq_kHz, 3) + coefs["J"] * np.power(freq_kHz, 4) ) / (10 * (1 + coefs["CTcor"] * np.array(t) + coefs["CPcor"] * np.array(p))) c_mS_cm = c_S_m * 10 # S/m to mS/cm return np.around(c_mS_cm, decimals)
[docs]def sbe9(freq, t_probe, coefs, decimals=4): """ SBE/STS(?) equation for converting SBE9 frequency to pressure. SensorID: 45 Parameters ---------- freq : array-like Raw frequency (Hz) t_probe : array-like Raw integer measurement from the Digiquartz temperature probe coefs : dict Dictionary of calibration coefficients (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, AD590M, AD590B) Returns ------- p_dbar : array-like Converted pressure (dbar) """ _check_coefs( coefs, ( ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5"] + ["C1", "C2", "C3"] + ["D1", "D2"] + ["AD590M", "AD590B"] ), ) freq_MHz = _check_freq(freq) * 1e-6 # equation expects MHz t_probe = (coefs["AD590M"] * np.array(t_probe).astype(int)) + coefs["AD590B"] T0 = ( coefs["T1"] + coefs["T2"] * t_probe + coefs["T3"] * np.power(t_probe, 2) + coefs["T4"] * np.power(t_probe, 3) ) w = 1 - T0 * T0 * freq_MHz * freq_MHz p_dbar = 0.6894759 * ( (coefs["C1"] + coefs["C2"] * t_probe + coefs["C3"] * t_probe * t_probe) * w * (1 - (coefs["D1"] + coefs["D2"] * t_probe) * w) - 14.7 ) return np.around(p_dbar, decimals)
[docs]def sbe_altimeter(volts, coefs, decimals=1): """ SBE equation for converting altimeter voltages to meters. This conversion is valid for altimeters integrated with any Sea-Bird CTD (e.g. 9+, 19, 25). Sensor ID: 0 Parameters ---------- volts : array-like Raw voltages coefs : dict Dictionary of calibration coefficients (ScaleFactor, Offset) Returns ------- bottom_distance : array-like Distance from the altimeter to an object below it (meters) Notes ----- Equation provdided by SBE in Application Note 95, page 1. While the SBE documentation refers to a Teledyne Benthos or Valeport altimeter, the equation works for all altimeters typically found in the wild. """ _check_coefs(coefs, ["ScaleFactor", "Offset"]) volts = _check_volts(volts) bottom_distance = (300 * volts / coefs["ScaleFactor"]) + coefs["Offset"] return np.around(bottom_distance, decimals)
[docs]def sbe43(volts, p, t, c, coefs, lat=0.0, lon=0.0, decimals=4): # NOTE: lat/lon = 0 is not "acceptable" for GSW, come up with something else? """ SBE equation for converting SBE43 engineering units to oxygen (ml/l). SensorID: 38 Parameters ---------- volts : array-like Raw voltage p : array-like Converted pressure (dbar) t : array-like Converted temperature (Celsius) c : array-like Converted conductivity (mS/cm) coefs : dict Dictionary of calibration coefficients (Soc, offset, Tau20, A, B, C, E) lat : array-like, optional Latitude (decimal degrees north) lon : array-like, optional Longitude (decimal degrees) Returns ------- oxy_ml_l : array-like Converted oxygen (mL/L) """ # TODO: is there any reason for this to output mL/L? if oxygen eq uses o2sol # in umol/kg, result is in umol/kg... which is what we use at the end anyway? _check_coefs(coefs, ["Soc", "offset", "Tau20", "A", "B", "C", "E"]) volts = _check_volts(volts) t_Kelvin = np.array(t) + 273.15 SP = gsw.SP_from_C(c, t, p) SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, lon, lat) CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, t, p) sigma0 = gsw.sigma0(SA, CT) o2sol = gsw.O2sol(SA, CT, p, lon, lat) # umol/kg o2sol_ml_l = oxy_umolkg_to_ml(o2sol, sigma0) # equation expects mL/L (see TODO) # NOTE: lat/lon always required to get o2sol (and need SA/CT for sigma0 anyway) # the above is equivalent to: # pt = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA, t, p) # o2sol = gsw.O2sol_SP_pt(s, pt) oxy_ml_l = ( coefs["Soc"] * (volts + coefs["offset"]) * ( 1.0 + coefs["A"] * np.array(t) + coefs["B"] * np.power(t, 2) + coefs["C"] * np.power(t, 3) ) * o2sol_ml_l * np.exp(coefs["E"] * np.array(p) / t_Kelvin) ) return np.around(oxy_ml_l, decimals)
[docs]def sbe43_hysteresis_voltage(volts, p, coefs, sample_freq=24): """ SBE equation for removing hysteresis from raw voltage values. This function must be run before the sbe43 conversion function above. Oxygen hysteresis can be corrected after conversion from volts to oxygen concentration, see oxy_fitting.hysteresis_correction() Parameters ---------- volts : array-like Raw voltage p : array-like CTD pressure values (dbar) coefs : dict Dictionary of calibration coefficients (H1, H2, H3, offset) sample_freq : scalar, optional CTD sampling frequency (Hz) Returns ------- volts_corrected : array-like Hysteresis-corrected voltage Notes ----- The hysteresis algorithm is backward-looking so scan 0 must be skipped (as no information is available before the first scan). See Application Note 64-3 for more information. """ # TODO: vectorize (if possible), will probably require matrix inversion # TODO: any NaNs will be propagated through entire timeseries: feature or bug? _check_coefs(coefs, ["H1", "H2", "H3", "offset"]) volts = _check_volts(volts) dt = 1 / sample_freq D = 1 + coefs["H1"] * (np.exp(np.array(p) / coefs["H2"]) - 1) C = np.exp(-1 * dt / coefs["H3"]) oxy_volts = volts + coefs["offset"] oxy_volts_new = np.zeros(oxy_volts.shape) oxy_volts_new[0] = oxy_volts[0] for i in np.arange(1, len(oxy_volts)): oxy_volts_new[i] = ( (oxy_volts[i] + (oxy_volts_new[i - 1] * C * D[i])) - (oxy_volts[i - 1] * C) ) / D[i] volts_corrected = oxy_volts_new - coefs["offset"] return volts_corrected
[docs]def wetlabs_eco_fl(volts, coefs, decimals=4): """ SBE equation for converting ECO-FL fluorometer voltage to concentration. SensorID: 20 Parameters ---------- volts : array-like Raw voltage coefs : dict Dictionary of calibration coefficients (ScaleFactor, DarkOutput/Vblank) Returns ------- chl : array-like Converted chlorophyll concentration Notes ----- Chlorophyll units depend on scale factor (e.g. ug/L-volt, ug/L-counts, ppb/volts), see Application Note 62 for more information. """ volts = _check_volts(volts) if "DarkOutput" in coefs.keys(): chl = coefs["ScaleFactor"] * (volts - coefs["DarkOutput"]) elif "Vblank" in coefs.keys(): # from older calibration sheets chl = coefs["ScaleFactor"] * (volts - coefs["Vblank"]) else: log.warning( "No dark cast coefficient ('DarkOutput' or 'Vblank'), returning voltage." ) chl = volts return np.around(chl, decimals)
[docs]def wetlabs_cstar(volts, coefs, decimals=4): """ SBE equation for converting C-Star transmissometer voltage to light transmission. SensorID: 71 Parameters ---------- volts : array-like Raw voltage coefs : dict Dictionary of calibration coefficients (M, B, PathLength) Returns ------- xmiss : array-like Light transmission [%] c : array-like Beam attenuation coefficient Notes ----- M and B can be recalculated in the field by measuring voltage in air (A1) and voltage with the path blocked (Y1): M = (Tw / (W0 - Y0)) * (A0 - Y0) / (A1 - Y1) B = -M * Y1 where A0, Y0, and W0 are factory values. For transmission relative to water, set Tw = 100%. See Application Note 91 for more information. """ _check_coefs(coefs, ["M", "B", "PathLength"]) volts = _check_volts(volts) xmiss = (coefs["M"] * volts) + coefs["B"] # xmiss as a percentage c = -(1 / coefs["PathLength"]) * np.log(xmiss * 100) # needs xmiss as a decimal return np.around(xmiss, decimals), np.around(c, decimals)
[docs]def seapoint_fluor(volts, coefs, decimals=6): """ Raw voltage supplied from fluorometer right now, after looking at xmlcon. The method will do nothing but spit out the exact values that came in. SensorID: 11 Parameters ---------- volts : array-like Raw voltage coefs : dict Dictionary of calibration coefficients (GainSetting, Offset) Returns ------- fluoro : array-like Raw voltage Notes ----- According to .xmlcon, GainSetting "is an array index, not the actual gain setting." """ _check_coefs(coefs, ["GainSetting", "Offset"]) # TODO: actual calibration/conversion/something? # TODO: move this to different module? edge case since it's the only Seapoint sensor volts = np.array(volts) fluoro = np.around(volts, decimals) return fluoro